Food Obsessed

6:56 PM Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A few years back, I was listening to some young female relatives talking about food. They were talking about the nutritional value of certain organic foods they purchased, which brands were better than others, the best kinds of supplements to take and which ones and how many they were taking, and which whole foods-type stores to go to for the best values and on and on.

I swear to god, they talked about this for several hours.

I remember thinking to myself that while yes, they looked fabulous, they seemed to be obsessed with food. I couldn't help but find myself feeling relieved that I didn't spend that much time obsessing over food and supplements.

A lot has changed in a couple of years.

In my quest to eat healthier and lose weight, I have discovered that I, too, have started to become obsessed with food. Oh, not to the point that I'll have half day discussions with people regarding organic foods and the benefits of supplements.

I'm not even going to pretend I know anything at all on those topics.

But I have searched the internet for healthy food recipes. I've read articles about how to reduce my sodium intake. I've tried to figure out how to increase my protein without increasing my carbs. I've looked for foods that increase the amount of fiber I ingest on a daily basis, comparing one brand against other brands.

And I realize, I'm making myself crazy with this crap.

I spend way more time thinking about healthy food and how to improve my food choices than I spend actually eating food.

This is so not me.

Well, I do like the picture of the cat and think it's very cute and maybe if I were a cat, that would be me. But that's something all together different.

Honestly, I don't like to spend a lot of time thinking about food choices. I don't like scouring the internet for healthy food recipes. I don't like spending a lot of time comparing my food choices to determine which is healthier for me. I don't like creating menus and shopping lists.

It's too much like work!

I spend more than enough time working, what with my job and cooking dinner and getting cleaning done and trying to exercise and taking care of animals and kids and pleasuring the husband....

Sorry, I think I may have said too much.

*ahem* Anyway, I think this is why I've started to dislike cooking. I spend too much time thinking about food. I want to spend less time thinking and more time eating!

That attitude is probably the reason I have so much weight to lose.

I don't want to have to think about it and if I pick up anything to eat that requires less thinking, the worse the food seems to be.

I don't know how to strike a balance between eating healthier and not spending all my time thinking about eating healthier. Is that even possible?

Are you food obsessed, too? What do you do to eat healthier?


  1. I have to say, I'm doing something similar, but different. I've been spending more time trying to figure out how much money I spend on food than actually eating it. And somehow my blog has become food obsessed. Ugh! Why is food so mind consuming?


  2. I think it has a lot to do with how much of it we see around us on a daily basis. No matter where you go on the internet, a vast chunk of the articles you find are food, health, exercise-based. It's no wonder we're obsessed.


  3. Very nice article

    Healthy Easy Recipes

  4. Yeah you can find some nutrition information of good recipes whether they are good to eat or not !!

    Nutrition Information

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