Hi! My name is Diana. I'm a 40-something semi-empty nester who lives in Utah and pines to move near the ocean. Anywhere near the ocean. Except for maybe a couple of places. Otherwise, I'd take just about any place within a couple hour drive of the ocean.

I work for a local tv station as the national sales assistant. While I don't particularly love my job, I like the fact that it's mostly just me and my boss working together at the station. My boss is a great guy that I consider my friend, even though he's a hard-core conservative and I'm a hard-core liberal. I can like him even though he's wrong.

I am, as Heather Armstrong of dooce fame calls herself, a recovering Mormon. I generally try to avoid topics of religion because that's the one sure-fire way of offending someone. That's not to say I won't ever mention religion because I find it fascinating, but it won't be a regular piece here.

My husband is Brad, who is also 40-something. He's a tech geek who's been self-employed for a long time but in this difficult economy, has had a tough time finding reliable (read: paying) clients. He is now searching for regular employment.

My kids are 20 year old Moon Unit, 15 year old Dweezil, and 11 year old Frank. No, those are not their real names. Moon Unit currently lives in Boise with her partner. Dweezil and Frank live with their father.

This blog is a smattering of different items, much of which is not really about any particular item. When life settles down and I feel less frantic all the time, perhaps this blog will settle into a niche. For now, it actually resembles my life quite a bit: a disorganized mess. Welcome!


Thankfully, no one smacked us on the back while we were doing this. It would suck to have had my face freeze this way.