Stop Growing up All Ready!

8:10 PM Sunday, June 19, 2011

My kids are getting too old and I don't like it. They need to stop growing up.

There, I said it.

Let's face it, all parents want their kids to grow up at some point or other. When babies are waking up 50 times in the middle of the night, parents want their kids to grow up so they can get some sleep.

Parents want their kids to grow up so they can see movies besides Winnie the Pooh. (Not me, I love Winnie the Pooh.) When parents get too tired to do all the running around a typical family needs, they want their kids to grow up so they can do all the driving.

No, really. They do, no matter what they say.

But my two boys live with their dad and they have gotten to that age now where I want them to stop growing up because I just don't get enough time to spend with them.

My youngest, 11 year old Frank, started playing Raving Rabbids the other day but got bored after only a few minutes and picked up his favorite game, Call of Duty. Seriously? Call of Duty is more fun to an 11 year old than Raving Rabbids?

But it's okay because he's still young enough that he will cuddle with his mom on the couch.

It's almost-15-years-old Dweezil that's killing me right now. Yep, he's a teenager so he's got a lot of teenage stuff going on that he wants to be involved with which conflicts with spending time with me. And I understand that. I totally do.

But, you know, it's been a month. And it'll be 2 more weeks before I'll get to see him because of all of his activities.

I knew that this day would come some day. I knew that once they became teenagers, their social lives would get in the way of time with their mom. I've never gotten in the way of their activities, even when it infringed on their time with me. Because I want them to have fun in their lives, I want them to have great memories of their childhood.

But I never expected it to hurt so much.

I dread the day Frank starts having the social life that Dweezil is starting to have. I never expected that there would come a time, at least before adulthood, that I would go a month or longer without seeing them. And while it seems like they've been little forever, I never expected them to grow up so fast.

So now, I'm asking them, stop growing up. Stay young, stay small. I'm not ready for you to grow up just yet. I need more time with you before you go off into the world and do your own thing.

I'm not ready yet.


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