I Know This Woman
8:33 PM Friday, July 15, 2011So there's this woman I work with who is one of those kinds of people.
You know what kind I'm talking about.
The kind who is lazy and will do minimal amounts of work and try to pass duties off on other people.
The kind who seems really nice and friendly but you can't help wondering if they're really talking smack about you behind your back.
The kind that always needs to know what's going on behind closed doors all the time.
Yeah, that kind.
So anyway, she is very sick. She has discovered this recently. She makes it to work every day but she has appointments and stuff that she has to go to once a week.
And the really horrible thing that is going on in my mind, and thankfully in my boss' mind as well so I know I'm not the only one who is having these evil thoughts, is that I seriously believe that she is using her sickness as an excuse to get out of doing things she doesn't want to do.
Yes, I really believe that. Yes, I'll probably go to hell for that.
I want to feel sorry for her. I do feel sorry for her. I'm sorry she's sick. What she's going through is just not fair because she has had to deal with a lot of rough stuff.
It's wrong to use your sickness as an excuse to get out of doing things you don't want to do. It's wrong to put the burden of work on others because you can't be bothered to do it yourself and then use your sickness as an excuse.
And of course, no one can say anything about it because.... she's sick. You can't complain about it not being fair that she dumps her work on you because it's not fair she's sick. And how dare you complain?
So you just pick up the slack because life isn't fair. Not fair for her for being sick. Not fair for you because you find yourself having to pick up her slack more frequently now that she's sick.
Yes, I know this is not nice of me. I fully expect this to be what happens to me some day, although I'll hopefully be a lot older and will probably look less pleased.
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